✿All stickers are neatly packed into a compact mini book.
✿Every sticker is printed with UV ink and comes pre-cut for ultimate convenience.
✿Each illustration is absolutely gorgeous, brought to life by the talented artist Adachi Miyuu.
✿The book is packed with 60 pages (2 full cycles), with each cycle measuring 129 cm—meaning tons of adorable mini designs.
✿Made with premium Japanese washi material, bound in a carefully crafted and polished package.
- 台灣境內單筆訂單運費60元,訂購商品滿1800元即享免運費優惠。
- 下單後請於24小時內完成結帳 , 逾期將由系統直接取消訂單。
- 訂單完成付款後才會保留訂購商品。
- 每台電腦或手機之顯色度皆不儘相同 , 必需請您瞭解相片顏色有可能與實品有所差異。
- Overseas order please click ~[here]
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